
At Christian Family Worship Center, our ministries are designed to serve and support our congregation and community. From worship services to community outreach, we focus on living out the full Gospel in a nondenominational setting, welcoming everyone in Mansura, Louisiana.

Sunday Worship Service

Our Sunday Worship Service is the heart of our church community. Held every Sunday at 10:00 AM, this service is a time for communal worship, prayer, and spiritual growth. Our worship is led by a dynamic team of musicians and worship leaders who guide us in both contemporary and traditional songs. The sermons are scripture-based and applicable to everyday life, encouraging personal and spiritual development. We believe that gathering together as a community to worship God strengthens our faith and builds lasting relationships among our members.

Bible Study Wednesday 7 PM

Bible Study Groups at Christian Family Worship Center provide an intimate setting for deeper exploration of God's Word. These groups meet throughout the week at various times to accommodate different schedules. Whether you are new to the Bible or have been studying for years, there is a group for you. Each session involves reading and discussing scriptures, sharing insights, and applying biblical principles to our daily lives. Our aim is to foster a supportive environment where members can grow in their understanding of the Bible, develop their faith, and build a community of believers.

Services For Children

Nursey 0-2 Years Old

Proverbs 22:6
6 Train up a child in the way he should go,
And when he is old he will not depart from it. (NKJV)

Toddlers 3-5 Years Old

Ephesians 6:1-2
1 Children, obey your parents in the Lord, for this is right. 2 “Honor your father and mother,” which is the first commandment with promise: (NKJV)

We Need Your Help

Volunteers can make a difference. 


Nursery MinistryAges 0-2

Our nursery ministry is a place where parents can have the security of knowing their child is well cared for, allowing them the opportunity to worship without worry.

Toddlers MinistryAges 3-5

Our Toddlers Ministry is similar to our children's church ministry, but for children ages 3-5. The toddlers get to have a fun time of music and games and hear the gospel of Christ all at once!


Frequently asked questions

Wedding Policy

Thank you for considering Christian Family Worship Center as the church to host your wedding ceremony. We are honored by your interest, and want to let you know what is involved in preparing for your wedding at CFWC. God has a wonderful plan for marriage. His provision for man and woman to spend life together in a committed relationship is one of life’s highest blessings. As a church we are committed to helping couples build strong Christian marriages. Since “church weddings” have no value in themselves, it is our desire to help couples grow in a living relationship with God that will not only bring great joy to both individuals, but will also give the marriage the best possibility for success. We understand that some couples at this time in their lives are simply interested in a nice wedding and at this time do not desire to grow in their relationship with God. In these situations, a Justice of the Peace at another site or other arrangements would probably best serve the couple’s needs. Because marriage is more than just saying, “I do,” we provide a variety of services, both before and after the wedding day. We offer these in an effort to help each couple realize God’s best in their lives.

Premarital Counseling

Premarital counseling is not a religious indoctrination program, but rather focuses on the marriage relationship. Its purpose is to help the couple know each other better, consider potential problem areas of family life, establish effective ways to resolve conflicts, improve communication, understand how to keep love growing after marriage, and build a solid spiritual foundation for the home. The importance of premarital counseling cannot be overstated and must be assigned your highest priority. Premarital counseling should begin no later than six months in advance of your wedding date. A schedule for all the counseling will be set up so that it will be as convenient as possible. Special needs, circumstances or problems may require more sessions with the minister as the minister deems necessary. Your actual rehearsal and wedding plans, as well as policies and procedures for use of the building and grounds, will be discussed separately at the conclusion of the counseling sessions. Our primary concern is that some sort of premarital counseling be shared by the couple if they are having their wedding associated with CFWC. Therefore, upon completion of these counseling sessions to the satisfaction of the officiating minister, we will proceed to the wedding planning session(s).

More Wedding Policy

We require couples being married at CFWC to be members of this congregation (this means that you have filled out and returned our Membership Covenant form). Also, we ask that couples be aware of, and understand, our church’s position on marriage. It is our position that Biblical marriage is sanctioned by God and that it joins one man and one woman in a single, exclusive union. For this church, and those authorized by this church, to solemnize any other sort of civil union or marriage (e.g., “same-sex marriage”) would be a violation of our beliefs and faith. Likewise, for us to provide goods, services or the use of our grounds and/or facilities for any other sort of civil union or marriage, or other gatherings or receptions associated with that union or marriage, would be a violation of our beliefs and faith. Couples, therefore, that do not meet the Biblical criteria are not candidates for marriage at CFWC. The officiating minister would be happy to meet with you to explain this position in greater detail if it is desired. We ask that couples be willing to abide by Christian conduct as set forth in the Bible for unmarried couples. To that end we do ask the following: • That both be professing Christians. We are told in 1 Corinthians 7 and 2 Corinthians 6 that we are to marry “in the Lord” and are not to be “unequally yoked.” • Couples will not be married if either person is under the influence of alcohol or drugs (other than those prescribed by a doctor) before or during the wedding or rehearsal. • If any of the following is a past or ongoing issue in your lives or relationship, it must be resolved to the satisfaction of the officiating minister before he will consent to perform the wedding: lack of openness to spiritual counsel; emotional instability, immaturity or incompatibility; substance, spousal or child abuse; history/practice of immorality; or any other matter which the officiating minister considers a significant barrier to a happy, lasting marriage. The best marriage is not merely a couple that loves each other but one that has the Lord at the center of the home. Since it is unlikely that this will happen apart from their involvement together in a church, we require and expect the couple to attend our Sunday morning services. If you will live somewhere else following marriage, the expectation is that you will involve yourselves with a church in your home area.

The officiating minister must approve the wedding dates before sending invitations and newspaper announcements. The date for the wedding will not be officially set on the church calendar until after the counseling is completed to the satisfaction of the officiating minister. The officiating minister can terminate his involvement and that of CFWC in the premarital or wedding planning process for any cause or reason he deems sufficient that is not already stated above.

The rehearsal, as well as the wedding itself, must be scheduled with the officiating minister. We do not allow the use of our Fellowship Hall for rehearsal dinners, receptions, or any other activities. It is of great importance that all participants in the wedding be present for the rehearsal to ensure a smooth running ceremony. The marriage license should be brought to the church at this time. No wedding will occur without a marriage license. It is also required that all music to be played during the wedding ceremony be brought on the day of the rehearsal. The songs that are usually part of the ceremony are:     1. Wedding Party/Parents/Grandparents     2. Bride     3. Communion     4. Unity Candle/Sand Covenant/License signing     5. Exit These songs will be need to be on a CD. If not, a list of songs must be given prior to the rehearsal so that they can be prepared. Also, a sound person will need to be present for the rehearsal as well as the wedding ceremony to play these songs. One will be provided by CFWC for a fee of at least $50 (you may offer more at your discretion).

If after reading the CFWC Wedding Policy you are interested in using our services, please contact us to schedule an initial get-to-know-you interview.


Get Involved

Join us in our mission to serve and grow by participating in one of our ministries. Contact us to find out more and get started.

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